OCCU needs you! Apply today to serve your Credit Union.

By Bill Inge, OCCU Board Chair
I visited a local credit union and applied for my first auto loan when I was 16 years old. Over the years, I had many different credit union accounts and had been very satisfied with the service I received. Things changed, for me, after the birth of premature twins, I hit a time of significant financial distress; I wasn’t sure where to turn. Thanks to the support of my credit union and the care and dedication of a loan officer named Linea (yes, I still remember her name after all these years), I was approved for a loan that by all accounts, I shouldn't have been given because of my credit score. I was afforded the opportunity to sit down with Linea and share my story. I felt cared for, trusted and listened to. I didn’t think a financial institution would do this for me. That single instance made me a dedicated credit union member and advocate for life.
I have been a member of OCCU for many years. When asked to consider serving on the Board, I recalled my experience and the stories of people I have met who had struggled to get loans because of difficult circumstances - some beyond their control. I decided I wanted to influence a positive change where individuals are more than just a credit score and the circumstances of one’s financial needs are a part of the consideration in loan approvals. I have done that through my service to OCCU and our members. The Board, alongside credit union management and staff work diligently every day to meet our members where they are.
I also believed I could learn and grow while working with credit union management and staff and the other Board Members. I have found that to be the case. My time on the OCCU Board has helped to influence how I look at my business and how successful businesses operate. OCCU is a well-run financial institution. The management, staff and Board Directors are smart, visionary people, and I am honored to be a part of the team. I can honestly say that together we deliver on OCCU’s vision to Enrich Lives.
I believe this is a unique and rewarding experience. If you are interested in sharing your expertise by contributing your talents, experience, ideas and passion for OCCU and getting involved with the credit union movement, I encourage you to learn more and apply today.
Interested parties must submit an application and meet these minimum requirements:
- Be a current member of OCCU and at least 18 years of age.
- Satisfy the bonding requirements of the Credit Union.
- Agree and abide by the terms of the Credit Union’s Code of Ethical Conduct Policy.
- Agree to maintain confidentiality of Credit Union information and protect member privacy.
- Not be employed by the Credit Union or its subsidiaries; or by another financial institution during the past two years.
For more information about Board service and to apply, please visit MyOCCU.org/board-directors or contact the Nominating and Development Committee at OCCUBoardofDirectors@MyOCCU.org.