Together, we help make Oregon even better

Icon of the state of Oregon with the OCCU logo mark
OCCU  -  02.17.2016

Every Presidents’ Day, our employees’ volunteer what is a day off for most financial institutions and go out to serve communities in Oregon. Lovingly known as our Annual Volunteer Day, employees look forward to this day year-round. Giving back is woven into the DNA of OCCU and all of its employees. For our sixth Volunteer Day, we got down and dirty to make a difference, by clearing invasive plant species, dismantling old computers, and cleaning pet kennels.



For our sixth annual Volunteer Day at Oregon Community Credit Union, our employees got together to give back big.

6 years of giving back to our local communities during OCCU’s annual Volunteer Day

260 loyal OCCU employees working together to make a difference

1,040 hours of service

24 nonprofits served in Lane, Marion and Polk counties

500 lbs. of donated winter clothes sorted through and given to those in need at Eugene Mission & Catholic Community Services 

125 wheelbarrows of invasive plant species removed from Mt. Pisgah, Cascade Raptor Center and Hendricks Park  

3,000 Easter eggs filled with treats for Oregon kids to find and enjoy at Willamalane’s MEGGA hunt

1,800 lbs. of obsolete electronics dismantled and recycled at NextStep Recycling

100 gallons of paint used to refresh Coburg Charter Community School, S.A.R.A’s Treasures and Greenhill Humane Society


Community is part of our DNA. See more photos from our Volunteer Day on Facebook »